Sunshine Safety

Sunshine Safety

Today we’re going to talk about the sun!   The sun is very important to our bodies, mostly for the absorption of Vitamin D when exposed to UV radiation through the process of photosynthesis.  Vitamin D is used by every tissue in our body and is extremely...
Healthy Summer Travel Tips

Healthy Summer Travel Tips

In our June 21st facebook live we discussed our top ten healthy summer travel tips so we are giving more info here on how to travel and stay healthy! If you missed the video you can check it out at...
5 Tips to Kicking off a Healthy Summer

5 Tips to Kicking off a Healthy Summer

There are so many great things to do in summer, it can be easy to fill up our summers and not be intentional about getting the rest we need. One tip to starting off a healthy summer is to sit down and plan your summer and intentionally plan less. Choose one or two...
CIMT: Know Your Heart Disease Risk Before It’s Too Late

CIMT: Know Your Heart Disease Risk Before It’s Too Late

Often times people are at risk for heart disease and stroke for years and years without any noticeable symptoms. During this period of time there is plaque building up in their bodies. This buildup could be addressed and reduced significantly by various lifestyle...
We now have an Infrared Sauna!!

We now have an Infrared Sauna!!

We now have an Infrared Sauna!! Come sweat with us! To ring in the new year, we are introducing new services at Highlands Health and Wellness, a Center for Functional Medicine.  One service we are excited to introduce is our brand new Far Infrared Sauna!  Infrared...
Xenoestrogens & How to Reduce Your Exposure

Xenoestrogens & How to Reduce Your Exposure

Xenoestrogens are endocrine disruptors, chemicals that alter the normal function of hormones. There are 70,000 registered chemicals that are specifically categorized as xenoestrogens, meaning they have an estrogenic effect. These compounds mimic hormones, which...