3 Ways to Reduce Your Toxic Load

3 Ways to Reduce Your Toxic Load

We live in an environment with unprecedented exposure to toxins. In the 20th century, toxin exposure in the USA increased by 1500%. We are exposed to over 80,000 industrial chemicals throughout our lives. These toxins can have a detrimental effect on your immune...
Abdominal Workout Tips

Abdominal Workout Tips

We have all heard the saying that great abs are made in the kitchen. Well this is mostly true. If you have a layer of fat covering your abs then you have no idea what sort of muscle is there. Once you make a change in your diet, you will inevitably start seeing some...
Top 5 Ways to Fight Fatigue

Top 5 Ways to Fight Fatigue

Fatigue Fighters This month we are focusing on fighting fatigue.  If you are a Highlands Health and Wellness Member please join our private facebook group, “Highlands Health & Wellness Members”, and view our facebook live posts for even more information on how to...
We now have an Infrared Sauna!!

We now have an Infrared Sauna!!

We now have an Infrared Sauna!! Come sweat with us! To ring in the new year, we are introducing new services at Highlands Health and Wellness, a Center for Functional Medicine.  One service we are excited to introduce is our brand new Far Infrared Sauna!  Infrared...
Tips for Sticking to Your Fitness Goals

Tips for Sticking to Your Fitness Goals

Now that 2018 is in full gear, it is a time to reflect on 2017, and start making “resolutions” for the new year. Usually there are some fitness or weight loss goals in there somewhere, but  what happened to last years resolutions? Maybe they stuck and maybe they...
Fitness Skills: The Squat

Fitness Skills: The Squat

The holidays are here, and we all know that there is extra food around and our schedules are booked with get-togethers, shopping and cooking. When is there time to workout? If you were already having a hard time getting into a routine, there are now a few more hurdles...