The one subject no one wants to talk about, can tell you a lot about your health and nutrition. Bowel movements (BM) are the body’s waste after it has absorbed all of the nutrients that it can use in the body from the food you have recently eaten. In order to go from a whole piece of food you consumed to this waste, your body uses several body organs, enzymes, hormones, bacteria and much more to absorb helpful nutrients and package up the rest to leave the body. If any of the parts of this process are not working correctly, you will notice it in your daily BM.
What is Normal?
Normal BMs can be different for every person. If you are not experiencing any pain and you are only going once every other day, that can be normal. Generally, going 1-2 times per day is considered the norm. Although, as long as your BMs are consistent from day to day with no pain or bloating associated, you are probably good to go. Once things become sporadic, this could be an indication that something has gone wrong.
What is Abnormal?
Bowel movements should not be uncomfortable or painful (before, after or during the process). Some people associate these things with releasing stools, but changing up your nutrition habits or supplementing with healing products can usually help with these issues. In regards to what your BMs should look like, that can vary. Check out the Bristol Scale to see where you fall: (there is even an app!). If you are struggling with constipation or frequent loose stools, it is definitely worth a visit with our team.
How Can Your BMs Improve:
- Increasing Water and Fiber Intake
- Identifying Food Sensitivities and Triggers
- Supplementing with Probiotics and Prebiotics
- Supplement with Magnesium, if needed.
- Get out and move!
Want to have a check-in to see if your BMs could improve? Make an appointment with Dr. Meyer for some stool testing or schedule a nutrition evaluation with our Registered Dietitian, Molly.
Interested in learning more about balancing your hormones? Check out my YouTube channel!
Hormone balance can be tricky, particularly in your 40s and beyond- let me help! On my YouTube channel I have covered many functional medicine topics over the years and have more recently focused on perimenopause and menopause because I know firsthand this is a rollercoaster of a time for women and it's just not talked about enough in doctors offices- leaving women confused, frustrated, and searching for answers. Well, I'm here to help! And feel free to browse around as I have lots of videos on gut health, SIBO, immune health, metabolic health and more!